Your Advertising On The Go

People are always moving, and there are a lot of people vying for your attention. Are you looking for innovative ways to move your brand messaging to reach more customers in more places? Mobile digital billboard trucks are a flexible, affordable solution!

How Mobile Billboard Trucks Help You Go To The Distance

 Most of us have seen the classic billboard displays across freeways. They tell us where to eat at the next rest stop, what shopping malls are close by, and what local casinos, vineyards, or horse tracks we should visit while we’re in town.

It’s all very effective, but when you’re driving at least 65 mph on the highway, it’s hard to focus on all that information while also keeping an eye on the road and the people driving by. Plus, there are a lot of billboards out there that are advertising the exact same message, which can take the focus away from your ad campaign.


So how do you stay competitive with your Out of Home (OOH) Advertising? You make your ad campaign move in the direction of your customers.


More Locations, More Impressions:

Instead of having your ad stand still and sit next to your competitors, get your messaging moving with your customers. Mobile digital billboard trucks give you the freedom and flexibility to move your ad campaigns along with your customers. This means your customers are not only driving next to your ad, they’re driving alongside it.

Increased Awareness, Decreased Cost:

 The more billboards you own, the larger your marketing budget will be. The larger your billboards, the more expensive they will be. Mobile digital billboard trucks, on the other hand, will allow you to place your ads in multiple locations and reach more people without breaking the bank. You will also have the option to add custom features, which gives your business more flexibility and creativity in engaging your customers through unique messaging, custom logo design, and eye-catching colors.

Targeted Specific Geo’s, Grow Goal Conversions:

Mobile digital billboard trucks not only increase your brand’s visibility, but they also allow you to leverage your marketing data better. For example, if you know that your target demographic lives in a certain neighborhood or geographic area, you’ll be able to schedule your mobile billboard trucks to be in that area more often, or you can reposition them at community events or events where you know you’ll get more attention.

This key benefit means that you’ll have the advantage of sending your ad campaign straight to your target audience. This will result in increased sales, increased interest, and a stronger connection to your brand.


Whether you’re looking for a creative ad campaign or a mobile digital truck solution, we’ve got you covered! We’ll work with your team to create a strategy to drive brand loyalty and increase awareness that keeps pace with your customer’s busy schedule.

Cosmo Mobile Media is here to help! Contact us