Top 5 Benefits of Digital Billboard Truck Advertising for Brands


We’re living in a world where we want things right away. When something like a song, a podcast, or a digital ad pops up on our phones, all we have to do is pick something we like and swipe away. It’s great for the customer, but if you’re trying to get your products out there, it can be hard to keep up. Digital truck billboard advertising is a great way to get your brand out there and get new and repeat customers.


The truth is most people know OOH advertising better than any other type of ad. Whether you’re stuck at a red light or parked in front of your favorite store, chances are you’ve seen mobile digital billboards on the sides of trucks and buses. Most of the time, they’ll hook you in and make you want to engage with that brand, or even buy that product before you hit the hay for the day.

1.- Brand Recognition

Digital truck advertising works by placing mobile billboards on the sides of trucks. This allows your brand to be seen by more people in a shorter amount of time. After all, let’s be honest, a 15ft mobile billboard pointing your way with your favorite brand advertising their new product is hard to ignore.

Mobile billboards on trucks increase the number of people who see your brand. This means that more people see your brand more often. This increases brand awareness and brand recognition in more locations.

2.- Control your strategy

One of the biggest benefits of mobile digital billboards is that you have complete control over where and when your trucks appear. This means you can leverage all your digital marketing strategies to your advantage. Knowing your target audience’s age, demographics, and location means you’ll be able to advertise in places that will draw in more customers. If a location gets sparse during the day, for example, you can easily redirect your truck to areas where you know you’ll attract more customers.

3.- “Foot” Traffic

Digital mobile advertising is about reaching your audience at the right moment. Most people are on their way to their next destination, but if they see your digital mobile billboard parked in front of your store’s entrance or passing by a local retailer that carries your brand, your point-of-sale experience increases exponentially!

4.- Advertising Options

Mobile advertising doesn’t have to be static anymore. Thanks to new innovations in technology, you can now choose LED mobile billboards with video, images, GIFs, you name it. This gives you more flexibility in promoting your brand and engaging your shoppers!

5.- Reward (Cost-Effective)

Research and studies on the effectiveness of digital mobile billboards continue to confirm that this type of over-the-top (OOH) advertising campaign is an efficient and cost-effective way for brands to advertise their goods and services. As an illustration, consider the use of other ad campaigns such as digital advertisements for smartphones and other devices that can be easily ignored or swiped away. Mobile billboards, on the other hand, offer a higher return on investment