The Philosophy Behind Truck Advertising KPI Application

The advertising industry has certainly expanded in such a way that some people would even deem it unpredictable. In the past, newspapers were just about the most effective means of advertising. Whether you were out to advertise jobs, houses, products, services, and just about anything you can name under the sun, it was already sufficient enough to turn to the typical newspaper company and take out an ad with them.
These days, advertising has undoubtedly evolved in so many unexpected ways. This evolution isn’t just about the Internet becoming quite a popular advertising medium on its own because it is pretty reasonable to turn to the web for advertising. But transportation? More importantly, trucks? Yes, truck advertising has indeed become quite popular nowadays. Every day, more companies are experimenting with this particular medium of advertising. However, just how effective is truck advertising? How do you measure the effectiveness of this method if implemented outdoors? Here then lies the importance of implementing truck advertising KPI.
Put, KPI or key performance indicators are quantifiable aspects used to measure the performance of specific processes utilized by a company in line with the achievement of corporate goals and objectives. In this case, KPI would be used to measure just how effective truck advertising is, especially when aligned with corporate goals and objectives.
Because this type of advertising gets done entirely outdoors, truck advertising is understandable and quite volatile. Companies making use of this medium have no say in audience selectivity. Yes, the companies do have a say in the particular route the truck would take to reach specific portions of cities or even the suburbs. However, companies still do not have control over the people who would see the rolling truck advertisement. There is no warranty as to what particular market is going to be open to these promotional materials. Thus, this should be one of the metrics to include when developing truck advertising KPIs.
Another thing to consider is the high possibility that response speed being slow. Let us face it: when you are driving on the road, and you see a rolling truck with a huge banner or streamer advertising a specific product, would you take your eyes off the road? Yes, if you are parked currently at the side of the road. But if you were on the freeway, then the chances of taking time to look at the ad and read whatever information it has to offer would be close to nil. This delay makes response volume all the more difficult to assess — also, one metric to include when developing a balanced scorecard for truck advertising.
However, if companies would take time to study the potential hot sites of the city that would most likely contain their target markets or audiences, then truck advertising could still work out here. But then again, conducting such feasibility studies would bring more expenses for the company itself. The better option would be to determine the relevant truck advertising KPI to use on your balanced scorecard. This way, with the right KPIs implemented, you can then make an in-depth analysis of this medium of outdoor advertising that you plan to use.
If you are interested in truck advertising KPI, check Cosmo Mobile Media website to learn more about truck advertising scorecards.
KPI Truck Advertising Cosmo Mobile Media