Reinventing Advertising: The Future Of Your Brand On LED Mobile Billboards

The future of OOH advertising is here. Digital LED billboard trucks lead the way for some pretty cool features. Did you know digital billboard saves printing costs and allows for clear, bright messaging? But the future of OOH success may be even better than you think.

Some of these innovations are new to the industry, but the potential for where we could go could be even more exciting. Come with us to explore just how advanced mobile billboard advertising technology can be.

Color recognition of a vehicle

With digital OOH advertising, it’s never been simpler to target your audience. Your campaign could target your audience based on the color of the car they drive. You can program car colors into your campaign’s ad system. Even the brand of the car they’re approaching can tell you what type of ad is being shown to that particular vehicle.

Facial recognition of people

One of the biggest advantages of digital advertising is that it allows you to interact directly with the people who are walking past your mobile billboard truck’s screen. For instance, if your company offers specials that cater to both men’s and women’s demographics, you can program a digital ad for each demographic. As people pass by your location in the middle of a crowd, the advanced cameras will be able to scan their faces and adjust the ad accordingly to your target audience’s preferences.

Audio as an ace up your sleeve

Audio has always been one of the most effective ways to grab the attention of an audience. Thanks to digital mobile billboard truck audio innovations, audio can now be combined with visuals to create a two-way sensory experience that can impact an audience.

If you’re looking to make the most of your OOHA opportunities, mobile billboard advertising is the way to go. With four wheels and a well-planned ad campaign, a LED digital truck could really boost your brand’s visibility! So, if you’re looking to get your message out there for your next store event or special, get in touch with us today to learn more about our vehicles in your area.